Virgin Falls
2024 Annual Meeting – June 8th @ 6:00
Coming up soon, our Friends of Virgin Falls annual meeting at the Beecher Wallace barn in Dog Cove.
Come out and meet your friends for hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks. Catch up with news on the progress of our new Scott’s Gulf Wilderness State Park, Friends Group name change, and the Election of officers and Board of Directors for the coming year. This is the last year for some of our original board members so we have some vacancies to fill. Please consider volunteering to help in this next exciting phase of growth by joining our Board.

In the last three years, over 7000 acres have been added around the Virgin Falls Wilderness Area through property acquisitions. the Friends of Virgin Falls are working to grow this area into a stand-alone park. The conversion from natural area to state park will help ensure future preservation of the forests and wildlife while simultaneously growing recreational opportunities. Please Join us.